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On 8 November a WAOC delegation attended Parliament House at the invitation of The Speaker, to demonstrate the need for the Australian Olive Oil Standard to be made mandatory. They took WA oils and demonstrated, by a blind taste test, the difference between our fresh product and the vastly inferior imported oils, highlighting the gap between local oils that are genuinely “Extra Virgin Olive Oil” and imported oils labelled as such but not so. An official document on the issue, prepared by the AOA and delivered to State and Federal politicians, was also presented. Mandating of the Australian Standard for Olive and Pomace Oils (AS5264-2011) is on the agenda for the meeting of the Legislative and Governance Forum on Consumer Affairs to be held in Canberra on 7 December. The WAOC will meet, on behalf of WA members, with the politician attending and voting on the issue, to ensure that they are made fully aware of the significance to our industry.