Latest Industry News
Olive oil processing aids – squeeze the most from your crop!
By Laura Thomas With all the work, planning and financial investment that goes into a bumper olive harvest, producing the very best quality olive oil possible is the obvious next step. But have you stopped to consider how you might boost the quantity of oil you can...
PHA continues improvements to biosecurity digital systems
The end of 2024 saw the completion of significant upgrades to Plant Health Australia’s Digital Systems, with the rollout of IT improvements to three of the national biosecurity co-ordinator’s core digital projects - AUSPestCheck®(APC), the Pest and Disease...
2023/24 Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook now available
The latest edition of the Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook is now available, providing insights and data on 75 horticultural products for the financial year 2023/24. Drawing on data from supply chain sources, including international trade statistics...
Online industry resources tackle harvest preparation and production best practice
Harvest is looming ever closer and for some, is only weeks away. Are you organised yet, or would information about what and how to prepare make the process easier and more efficient? Making great table olives and EVOO starts with great fruit, and then it’s down...
Xylella now present in China
The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) has determined that Xylella fastidiosa (Xylella) is present in mainland China. As a result, China is now considered to be a high-risk country for Xylella. This is significant news for our industry, as...