Aug 31, 2015 | Environment, International News/Trends
Next time you drizzle olive oil on your salad, give a thought to the larvae of the olive fly, which love olives as much as you do. Every year in Catalonia, Spain, farmers have to fight these pests so they don’t ruin the year’s crop. The customary method is to spray...
Aug 7, 2015 | Environment, International News/Trends, Olive business
Back in May, in an eye-opening story, The New York Times offered a reality check regarding the West Coast’s severe water shortage. In “Your Contribution to the California Drought,” reporters Larry Buchanan, Josh Keller, and Haeyoun Park laid down the facts: it takes...
Jul 3, 2015 | Environment, International News/Trends
In 1998, a single female olive fruit fly was captured in west Los Angeles County. By 1999, olive growers in San Joaquin, Tulare and five more counties reported the fly’s presence. Today, the olive fruit fly lives in every olive-growing area in the state, waiting to...
Jun 11, 2015 | Australia, Environment, Organic
Want to learn how to make great soil? The Organic Living Soils workshop will help you understand all the important ingredients that go into creating healthy and fertile soils: compost, compost tea and biofertiliser. This hands-on workshop is also all about...
Jun 3, 2015 | Environment, International News/Trends, Olive Oil News
Over-ripe olives can be a problem for more than just your driveway. They may be creating a home for the olive fruit fly, a well-established pest that seems to be spreading in Sonoma Valley. The olive fruit fly was first discovered in Southern California in 1998 and...
May 22, 2015 | Environment, International News/Trends, Olive business
A drought of “uncertain duration,” is how California Governor Jerry Brown described the historic heat and lack of rain hitting his thirsty state and its 39 million inhabitants. News sources estimated that 12 million trees have died due to the lack of rain (nearly the...