Feb 23, 2017 | Australia, Labelling, Marketing, Olive business
With counterfeiting and quality issues a constant problem for Australian food brands, some experts believe that provenance branding is the key to safeguarding quality. Provenance Branding Seen as Key to Protecting Australian Olive Oil Exports...
Feb 23, 2017 | International News/Trends, Marketing, Olive business, Uncategorised
The Interprofesional del Aceite de Oliva Español has launched a campaign to raise awareness of the rules forbidding the refilling of olive oil bottles in restaurants. Spanish Trade Group Launches Campaign to Raise Awareness of Cruet Decree...
Feb 23, 2017 | International News/Trends, Marketing, Olive business
Commission Regulation (EU) 432/2012 lists a series of requirements for producers to legally advertise the health benefits of polyphenols in their olive oil. Thanks to the OLEUM project, an easy method can now be applied to certify compliance with this regulation....
Feb 16, 2017 | International News/Trends, Marketing, Olive business
Sticking to the truth and not shying away from comment are sound strategies when an unexpected crisis like a product recall arises, writes director of Ingredient Communications’ Richard Clarke.
Feb 16, 2017 | International News/Trends, Marketing, Olive business, Organic
Elevate the living standards of Palestinian farmers and enjoy olive oil made from some of the oldest olive trees in the world.
Feb 2, 2017 | Diet/Food, International News/Trends, Marketing
The maker of Nutella is fighting back against claims that a key ingredient in the hazelnut and chocolate spread may cause cancer. Italian food giant Ferrero recently launched an advertising campaign in Italy that assures consumers that palm oil used in Nutella is safe...