Table olive expert Linda Costa took workshop participants through a guided tasting session.
Industry members across Australia attended the AOA’s national table olive workshop series earlier this year, learning the science and facts around table olive production from South African expert Linda Costa of OlivesInFact.
Along with best practice methodologies, they gained inspiration and enthusiasm, with many going on to produce their own first batch from this year’s harvest. That fruit is now fermenting away, so the AOA is organising a follow-on interactive webinar with Costa, being held via Zoom on Tuesday, 25 August at 3:00pm AEST.
The webinar will provide workshop attendees with the opportunity to gain answers to questions and further information about topics which have arisen since the workshops. For those experiencing issues with their ferments, or not quite sure of the processes from here, it’s the ideal chance to get help and guidance from one of the world’s most experienced table olive producers.
An invitation to register for the webinar will be issued in the next week or so, and details will also be available in the Events section of the OliveBiz website – http://www.olivebiz.com.au.
And participants wanting a refresher, or those who couldn’t attend the original workshops, can access the workshop presentations and a video recording of the Adelaide event via the OliveBiz website here.
Productivity and profitability series
The table olive webinar continues the AOA’s virtual event series created to maintain the industry’s ongoing interactive knowledge-sharing program during COVID-19 social distancing. Covering a range of productivity and profitability topics directly affecting Australian olive growers and producers, previous events have focussed on the Remote Sensing Project (webinars 1-3) and Digital Marketing (webinars 4-6).
Recordings of all past webinars can be accessed and viewed via the OliveBiz website under the Projects drop-down.