Jun 14, 2022 | Australia, Courses/Education, Events, Grove Innovation News
A two-day workshop is being run in Central NSW to address specific issues which growers in that region and the Hunter Valley have endured over the past few years. It’s been a rough time, with many groves hit by challenges including drought and fires, rain and...
Jun 14, 2022 | Australia, Grove Innovation News, Olive business, Research
AgriFutures (formerly RIRDC) is seeking your opinions on a broad range of topics relating to experiences and perceptions of Australian agriculture industries, via participation in the AgriFutures Australia Community Perceptions and Workforce Experiences’ survey. Along...
Jun 14, 2022 | Australia, Courses/Education, Grove Innovation News
The Olive Wellness Institute team has recently launched a new online resource, rolling out an extra virgin olive oil virtual sensory kit. The team recognises that, while the health benefits of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) are increasingly well known, there’s a lot...
May 10, 2022 | Australia, Courses/Education, Grove Innovation News, Olives and Health
Thanks to the great educative work of The Olive Wellness Institute (OWI), health professionals are increasingly aware of the health benefits of extra virgin olive oil. However, most know much less about the journey of growing olive trees through to producing high...
May 10, 2022 | Australia, EVOO, Grove Innovation News, Olive business
A new grower case study hub has been launched on the Hort Innovation website to share grower’s stories and how Hort Innovation investments have made an impact on their work and businesses. The case studies are industry-specific and present some of the impact that levy...
May 10, 2022 | Australia, Grove Innovation News, Technology/Science
Fruit, vegetable, nut, nursery and turf growers around the country who would like to see a technology demonstrated on-farm are being encouraged to reach out to the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF). Part of the $9M Gatton Smart Farm project...