Feb 14, 2023 | Australia, Events, Grove Innovation News, Olive business, Research
One of the most in-demand resources in the horticulture industry is finally here, and you’re all invited to the launch event! Hort Innovation are launching the 2021/22 edition of the Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook with a webinar, to arm participants with...
Feb 14, 2023 | Australia, Equipment, Grove Innovation News, Technology/Science
The AOA’s national program of Healthy Soils Field Days introduced growers to the production, financial and environmental benefits of Agtech, in particular in terms of soil moisture and irrigation monitoring. Eligible NSW producers now have the opportunity to upscale...
Feb 14, 2023 | Australia, EVOO, Grove Innovation News, Olive business
One of the four key outcome areas of the Olive Strategic investment Plan 2022-2026 is demand creation, growing consumer demand in domestic and international markets to support farmgate grower returns. Integrity of labelling is part of the investment strategy to...
Feb 14, 2023 | Courses/Education, Grove Innovation News, Opportunities, Research
Applications for the 2023 Churchill Fellowship program are set to open on March 1, with three Hort Innovation-supported fellowships, each valued at around $26,000, available this year. The Fellowships aim to provide individuals with the opportunity to bring to life...
Feb 14, 2023 | Australia, Grove Innovation News, Olive business, Olive Diseases
NSW DPI Biosecurity and Food Safety manages risks associated with interactions between people, plants, animals, the food we eat, and our environment. Building on these interdependencies, the NSW Biosecurity and Food Safety Strategy 2022-2030 has been released, drawing...
Jan 17, 2023 | Australia, Events, Grove Innovation News, Olive business
The annual AOA National Olive Industry Conference is your event and the organising team are keen to ensure that the program topics and other activities meet the changing needs, wants and interests of all attendees. Planning is currently underway for the 2023...