Jun 14, 2022 | Australia, Courses/Education, Events, Grove Innovation News, Olive business
The AOA’s ongoing program of productivity and profitability webinars has been a huge success, providing industry members with information, learning and discussion about a wide range of relevant topics. With the harvesting and processing olive season coming to an end...
Jun 14, 2022 | Australia, Grove Innovation News, Olive business, Research
AgriFutures (formerly RIRDC) is seeking your opinions on a broad range of topics relating to experiences and perceptions of Australian agriculture industries, via participation in the AgriFutures Australia Community Perceptions and Workforce Experiences’ survey. Along...
May 10, 2022 | Australia, EVOO, Grove Innovation News, Olive business
A new grower case study hub has been launched on the Hort Innovation website to share grower’s stories and how Hort Innovation investments have made an impact on their work and businesses. The case studies are industry-specific and present some of the impact that levy...
May 10, 2022 | Australia, Grove Innovation News, Olive business
Strategic Investment Plan (SIP) 2017-2021 performance reports for each levy-paying industry have been developed and are available on the Hort Innovation website. The reports review the performance of levy investments against each industry Strategic Investment Plan...
Apr 12, 2022 | Australia, Grove Innovation News, Olive business, Research
Key decision-makers from the horticulture, technology, transport and retail sectors gathered in Sydney recently to discuss the levers that need to be pulled for the horticulture industry to be more sustainable now and into the future. Following on from the release of...
Apr 12, 2022 | Australia, Grove Innovation News, Olive business
A new Hort Innovation-funded pilot program is providing a tracking service to allow various horticultural categories to better understand consumer usage and attitudes and the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. The initial phase of MT21201: Consumer usage, attitude...