Mar 16, 2021 | Australia, Awards, Grove Innovation News
It’s time to nominate for Hort Connection 2021’s annual National Awards for Excellence, which will be presented during the Gala Dinner on Wednesday, 9 June. The awards recognise outstanding contributions to the Australian horticulture industry made by...
Mar 16, 2021 | Australia, Grove Innovation News
The Olive Wellness Institute (OWI) is turning three in April, and they’re running a survey to celebrate! That’s not actually how they’re celebrating (although we all are, given the great work they’ve done over the past three years) but they are running a survey and...
Mar 16, 2021 | Australia, Grove Innovation News
The 2021-2026 Strategic Investment Plans (or SIPs) will provide the roadmaps to guide Hort Innovation’s investment of levies and Australian Government contributions, ensuring investment decisions are aligned with industry priorities. In 2021, Hort Innovation will...
Feb 9, 2021 | Australia, Grove Innovation News, Olive business, Olive Diseases
Hort Innovation has announced a new APVMA chemical permit for the control of two significant insect pests of olives, olive lace bug (OLB) and black scale. Trivor Insecticide is a unique insecticide combination of acetamiprid (Group 4A – Neonicotinoid) and...
Feb 9, 2021 | Australia, Events, Grove Innovation News, Research
The opportunities for shared learning abound as the 17 Australian Nuffield Scholars from the 2019 year group present the findings of their scholarships through these free webinars. The four-part series runs from mid-February and early March as follows: Webinar 1:...
Feb 9, 2021 | Australia, Events, Grove Innovation News
Compiled annually for Hort Innovation, the Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook provides an overview of Australian horticulture statistics and market information. The Handbook combines all available data on production, international trade, processing volumes...