Oct 12, 2021 | Australia, Courses/Education, Events, Grove Innovation News, Olive business
Registrations have now closed, so we hope you’ve all signed up for the 2021 AOA National Olive Industry Virtual Conference. Starting in just a few hours, the event runs daily at 3:00-5:00pm (AEST) from today until Friday. The four interactive Zoom sessions will...
Sep 14, 2021 | Australia, Awards, Events, Grove Innovation News, International News/Trends, Olive Oil Shows
As announced in the August edition, COVID-19 restrictions have meant we’re all meeting up online again for the 2021 Australian National Olive Conference. The program has now been finalised, and registrations are open for all sessions. Following last year’s popular...
Aug 10, 2021 | Australia, Courses/Education, Events, Grove Innovation News
We were all pretty excited about getting together again in Devonport, Tasmania for the 2021 Australian National Olive Conference & Exhibition, having missed out on the annual face-to-face catch-up following the postponement of the 2020 event due to COVID-19...
Feb 9, 2021 | Australia, Events, Grove Innovation News, Research
The opportunities for shared learning abound as the 17 Australian Nuffield Scholars from the 2019 year group present the findings of their scholarships through these free webinars. The four-part series runs from mid-February and early March as follows: Webinar 1:...
Feb 9, 2021 | Australia, Events, Grove Innovation News
Compiled annually for Hort Innovation, the Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook provides an overview of Australian horticulture statistics and market information. The Handbook combines all available data on production, international trade, processing volumes...
Nov 9, 2020 | Courses/Education, Events, EVOO, Grove Innovation News, Olive business
The 2020 AOA National Olive Industry Virtual Conference was a resounding success, with strong registrations for all of the sessions. Held over four days in October, the highly informative, interactive afternoon sessions were abuzz with information, questions and...